How can something that feels so right be so wrong?
I thought I knew where the line in the sand was drawn. There was no question about it. I thought I had the answers and it was so clear...but the lines have become blurred. So many things which I thought I understood, I now have so many questions about. Right and wrong is no longer black and white. Love is no longer one dimensional, it is pleasure, it is pain and it is commitment. You have to be broken to be remade and you have to be hurt to learn how to forgive. Everything I have been taught and told my whole life...I now see differently. What is truth? What is opinion? I am discovering who I am, I am sick of being told who I SHOULD be! Truth is so rare to find, and I am so tired of lies. We are so easily influenced, we no longer search things out for our self. We are like brainwashed robots sometimes, we eat whatever is fed to us. Why are we satisfied with the ordinary, why don't we go after the extraordinary? When I stop for a moment and observe those around me I see how many of us are so lost and confused. We are all seeking answers, we are all searching for that thing to satisfy the emptiness in our soul. I am so tired of a religion, don't give me your opinion, don't give me tradition...give me JESUS! I don't want your watered down gospel. I want the Jesus that saves, I want the Jesus who raises the dead, I want the Jesus who goes against the flow, I want the Jesus that remakes broken lives. I don't want your tamed, religious Jesus...don't give me your crap 'cause I don't want to hear it! Don't tell me that everything is black and white, 'cause it's not. Don't pretend to have all the answers and don't tell me how to live my life
What is truth and what is a lie?
Where are the lines not blurred?
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